Tuesday, 23 August 2016

I Dumped Genevieve Nnaji Because of Her 'Excessive Demand' for Sex – Actor Joseph

It is not unnatural for someone who has been an eligible spinster for over two decade to have dated dozens of men but it seems Ms Genevieve Nnaji is officially the most passed around top actress in Nollywood.

Different revelations year in, year out of the men she has allegedly dated. Well, one of her numerous ex 'love interest' recently had diarrhea in his mouth and decided to spill what went down in his short affair with the actress; an affair that dates back to over a decade.

Aside dating famous and rich men, little did we  know that a romantic relationship did exist between an obviously unknown actor, Okechukwu Joseph and the well celebrated screen goddess Genevieve Nnaji.

In what could be termed as an exclusive interview with 'Sun', Okechukwu revealed why he decided to ditch the A-lister. He claimed he could not get along with Genevieve Nnaji because of his naivety about relationships. More clearly he was a virgin and it did affect the way he was supposed to manage his relationship with the beautiful actress. In his words;
“I had no difficulty mingling. What I had issues with was entangling – copulating. And like I said earlier, I wasn’t ready because I was a virgin and I didn’t want to tell anybody. I was always making excuses about why I couldn’t ‘get down'. In fact this is one of the reasons my very short relationship with Genevieve was such a disaster"

Oh yea! Why do I smell 'silent shading'? Is Okechukwu trying to say Ms Nnaji is a sex maniac who only peg relationship on how sexually active her partner is? I ask because I honestly do no understand why such a 'blessing'could be a curse. Besides, relationship isn't all about sex? Funny how he ran out of excuses, I guess she must have been bulging him so much :) Well, who would blame her; she has been sexually active since she was 15, probably 13.
Forgive my sarcasm but I do feel thE interview was totally unnecessary. Its been over a decade for Pete's sake and many water have passed under the bridge. Joseph also shared his unforgettable moment with the screen goddess who he met on set of  'Mark of the beast' ;
“Two unforgettable moments; the day she introduced her little brother to me and the day she told me literally everything about herself. She trusted me that much. My mind was racing like crazy and I kept wondering how so little people knew about this young amazing lady who was out to play the Esther for her family and did she? She felt like family to me.”
Before Joseph went off the screen to New York, he starred in movies like ‘Alice My First Lady’ ‘Karishika’ ‘Mark of the Beast’ and others.

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